Further information in respect of ‘a clear and legitimate purpose for sharing information’ includes:

  • You should consider all requests for information for child protection purposes seriously and quickly, bearing in mind that refusing to give this information, or a delay in doing so, could increase the risk of harm to a child or young person or undermine effort to protect them.
  • If a child or young person is at risk of, or is suffering, abuse or neglect, it will usually be in their best interests to share information with the appropriate agency.
  • If your discussions do not provide a clear view about the possibility of abuse or neglect, you should consider sharing limited relevant information with other agencies that are in contact with the child or young person to decide whether there is a risk that would justify sharing further information.


(GMC Confidentiality and Sharing Information (https://www.gmc-uk.org/ethical-guidance/ethical-guidance-for-doctors/protecting-children-and-young-people/confidentiality-and-sharing-information)

HM Government (2018) Information Sharing: Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and carers https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/safeguarding-practitioners-information-sharing-advice