Ordering repeat prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions allow you to order any regular medication you take more easily, without having to make an appointment with your doctor every time you need more.

All of our member GP practices in Sefton signed up to a voluntary scheme for ordering repeat prescriptions in 2017, which is safer for patients and helps to reduce the high quantity of wasted medicines – estimated to cost your local NHS at least £2 million each year.

Our repeat prescription ordering scheme only affects those patients who order their repeat medicines through their pharmacy or a dispensing company.

Those who already order their repeat medicines themselves, directly from their practice and those who would find it difficult to do themselves are not affected by the scheme.

What are the benefits of the repeat prescription ordering scheme?

The system was initially piloted in 19 practices from 1 September 2016 and this short video explains the benefits.

Ways to order repeat prescriptions

The guide below explains some of the different ways you can order your repeat prescriptions but it is always worth checking with your GP practice about which systems they use, and they will also be happy to answer any queries you might have

  • Your GP’s online service – once you’ve signed up with your practice, the online service is quick, easy and secure to use
  • Handing in the white, tear off part of your repeat prescription to your surgery
  • Letter to your GP practice
  • Fax (in some GP practices)

Find out more

For more information on the repeat prescription pilot click here

We reviewed the pilot after its first three months of operation and an initial evaluation report highlights some positive results.

We then reviewed the repeat prescription ordering service from September 2016 - October 2017.