Anti fraud, bribery and corruption

Commissioners and providers of NHS services are required to put in place arrangements to tackle fraud, bribery and corruption. Our chief financial officer, Martin McDowell, oversees our anti fraud arrangements, working closely with Mersey Internal Audit Agency (MIAA).

You can read our chief finance officer's anti bribery statement here.  

What is fraud, bribery and corruption?

Fraud against the NHS is not a victimless crime and it diverts much needed public funds into fraudsters’ pockets and it needs to be stamped out. Some people are not aware that fraud is a problem for the NHS, or even know what fraud is or how it is committed. 

Here are some examples of fraud and corruption in the NHS: 

  • NHS staff dishonestly working in another job when they are off sick
  • NHS staff making false and inflated expenses, mileage or time sheet claims
  • NHS staff procuring goods and services for personal gain, such as ordering IT equipment or printer cartridges then keeping for their own use, or selling on the Internet or at car boot sales
  • Job applicants failing to disclose criminal convictions or providing false documentation such as qualifications, passports and Home Office documents to gain NHS employment
  • Patients claiming free treatment and services when not entitled, such as prescriptions/glasses/dental treatment; or ‘health tourists’ providing false personal details to gain hospital treatment
  • Contractors and suppliers to the NHS submitting false invoices for work they have not done or submitting duplicate invoices for payment

How can I help to fight against fraud? 

You can help to reduce fraud, bribery and corruption in the NHS by reporting any suspicions you have using the contact details below. Referrals will be assessed and appropriately dealt with by professionals, and you can provide information in confidence or remain anonymous.

Who should I report my concerns to?

If you have any concerns or suspicions of fraud, bribary or corruption in any part of the NHS you can report them to one of the following:

Local anti fraud specialist – Michelle Moss

Tel – 0151 285 4547

Email –

National NHS fraud and corruption phoneline – 0800 028 40 60

You can also report fraud online by visiting NHS Protect's website