Cheshire and Merseyside CCGs Joint Committee

The nine Cheshire and Merseyside Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) have established a Joint Committee. The nine CCGs are: NHS South Sefton CCG, NHS Southport and Formby CCG, NHS Liverpool CCG, NHS Cheshire CCG, NHS Halton CCG, NHS Knowsley CCG, NHS St Helens CCG, NHS Warrington CCG and NHS Wirral CCG.

The overarching role of the Joint Committee is to enable the Cheshire and Merseyside CCGs to work effectively together and make binding decisions on agreed service areas, for the benefit of the both the resident population and population registered with a GP practice in Cheshire and Merseyside.

Decisions undertaken by the Joint Committee will support the strategic aims and objectives of the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership and will contribute to the sustainability and transformation of local health and social care systems at ‘Place’.

Each CCG has representatives on the Committee but each representative acts for and on behalf of all nine CCGs. Representatives from Healthwatch, the Cheshire and Merseyside Directors of Public Health collaborative (Champs) and the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership have also been invited to attend meetings of the Committee.

  • The Terms of Reference and the work plan of the Joint Committee can be found here.
  • The membership of the Joint Committee can be found here.
  • A Register of Interests is also available for the Committee members and is available here.

Joint Committee meetings are meeting held in public, so members of the public can observe the business of the meeting but cannot take part in the debate, unless specifically invited to do so by the Chair. Time will be allocated at each meeting for public questions. Until such time as national guidance is released to enable face to face meetings to occur it is anticipated that meetings of the Committee will be held virtually by default. The agenda and papers for formal meetings of the Committee will be published on each of the 9 CCGs websites.

If you would like to submit a question to be raised at a committee meeting, please email Questions may be submitted in advance of the Committee meeting, and ideally up to two days in advance. They should be pertinent to the agenda of the meeting in question. Further guidance about submitting a question to the Committee can be found here.

Meeting dates, papers and recordings can be found below. 

Date Time Meeting papers and recordings
August 31st 2021 1.45pm-3.15pm

Agenda and papers

Webinar recording

September 28th 2021 2pm-3.15pm

Agenda and papers

Responses to public questions

Webinar recording

October 26th 2021 1.40pm-3.30pm Agenda and papers

Join the meeting

Webinar recording
November 30th 2021 1pm-3pm Agenda and papers

Webinar recording
December 21st 2021 1pm-3pm CANCELLED
January 25th 2022 1pm-3pm Agenda and papers

Join the meeting
February 23rd 2022 1pm-3pm Agenda and papers

March 29th 2022 1pm-3pm

Agenda and papers


April 26th 2022


Agenda and papers


24 May 2022


Agenda and papers

Join the meeting

28 June 2022


Agenda and papers

Join the meeting