Sefton health commissioners encourage nurse recruitment

Friday, May 17, 2019

Health commissioners in Sefton marked International Nurses Day on Sunday 12 May by celebrating the important and diverse work carried out across nursing in the borough in support of the national We are the NHS campaign to encourage more people to join the profession.  

“We are the NHS” from NHS England, is the first recruitment drive for the health service in over a decade. It aims to highlight the wide range of stimulating and rewarding roles in the NHS available from clinical roles like nursing to those in support services like IT and digital.

There are a variety of different roles that nurses can undertake including working in hospitals, doing research work and going out into the community.

Brendan Prescott, deputy chief nurse at NHS Southport and Formby CCG (CCG) said:

“The most rewarding part of being a nurse for me has been helping people through challenging situations in their life. They could be life challenging or life changing situations, and it can also involve supporting patient’s families.

“If you are a man or woman who wants a job where every day is different and you get to have a meaningful impact on the lives of people in your community, I would highly encourage you to become a nurse.”

Helen Case, designated nurse for children in care from NHS Southport and Formby CCG, said: “I don’t wear a uniform as many may people might think, I’m not in a hospital and I don’t work in the community. I don’t have a lot of contact with our actual service users, children in care.

“A big part of my role is quality assurance, health assessments and working with children in care, and care leavers, to make sure the standards of healthcare are the highest they possible can be.

“When children enter care quite often their health hasn’t been perhaps the parent’s priority and when they enter care there’s a big focus on improving the health outcomes for the children.

“I’d like to wish all the nurses in the NHS and here at the CCG, and all of my colleagues over the past thirty years, a happy International Nurses Day.”

Fiona Taylor, chief officer at NHS Southport and Formby CCG, as well as a trained nurse, midwife and health visitor, added her congratulations to wish all who continue in their caring and compassionate roles, a happy International Nurses Day.

“We are the NHS” supports commitments made in the recently published NHS Long Term Plan to recruit more people into the workforce and ensure its staff have rewarding jobs and work in a positive culture, with opportunities to develop their skills and use state of the art equipment.

For more information on a career in nursing visit NHS Health Careers.